ACQUIESCENCE - (Contributed by Steve Denney) SD writes: "('80-81) Steve Denney (guitar / vocals), John Hagerty (keys / vocals), Joe Konnyu (bass / vocals), Jim Eiland (drums / vocals). "Progressive" rock band, mixing originals with mostly obscure covers (Bubble Puppy, Ten Years After). Recorded some tunes at B.O.S.S. (Bobby O'Neill Sound Studio), which used to be next to Good Time Charlie's on Blanco Rd. Joe left and was replaced by Ron McKenzie, then Jim left, and the band morphed into Marauder."
JOE AERO AND BLACKJACK - (Contributed by Mike Workman) MW writes: "May87-Aug87: Joe Aero & Blackjack featured Joe Arredondo on bass. Bobby Flores was on guitar, Phil Dalmolin on drums. I joined the band on the road through South Texas. May88-Aug88: Joe Aero & Blackjack again, this time Bobby Flores quit about June and Renee took over on guitar. Phil was still with the band."
ALICE AND WONDERLAND - (Contributed by Dave Holloway) DH writes: "A rock opera written by Wink Kelso and Richard Rosen. The band itself was composed of Phil Arroyo and Mike Sunjka - guitarists, Ricky Hernandez -keyboard, Mike Taylor -bass, TC Buckman -drums. Terrific show, I still listen to a tape made close to the end of the shows run." (Contributed by Deana Drake) DD writes: "Hi, Mike. On your band trivia page, Wink Kelso's and Richard Rosen's "Alice *and* Wonderland" is listed as "Alice *in* Wonderland. Thought I might let you know. " (Contributed by Phil Arroyo) PA writes: "In the late 80's I was recruited by Wink Kelso for his rock opera called "Alice & Wonderland". It was rejuvenated specifically to raise funds for a local church that was going through some hard times. The ensemble was a who's-who list unlike anything I had ever been a part of up to that time. The cast consisted of singers who like me had been recruited especially for the project. People like Paula Thompson, Angie Reed-Moore, Mike Kropp, Gary Freidrich, John David Martinez, Tommy Stephens, some people from the local cabaret, Ricky Hernandez, Suzy Jenkins, Pat Wellburg, David McDavid etc,etc...about 15 or so in all. Well, the show went over so well, we were asked to perform on Sundays at the Josephine Street Diner which we did for about 3 months and finally took the show to Austin where we ran Friday's & Sat's each week for another 3 months before closing. While there, we were put up at the what was then, the new Radison Hotel. The cast had the entire top floor and I gotta tell you, It was like being a rock star. We were famous there. Everyone knew us from the show & treated us like kings. The after show parties were classics as well. You know, iced down bathtubs filled with everything. It was amazing!" (Contributed by Rachel Beissner) RB writes: "This Show has been produced a few times since its original run. Here's yet another update. Firelight Theater recently merged with The Magik Children's Theatre which will now operate under the name of "The Magik Theater". This will allow them to continue productions of children's Theatre but also open up opportunities to stage adult theater using the historic Beethoven Hall Theatre located on the Hemisfair grounds on South Alamo. This last spring, Firelight with Richard Rosen directing and John Minton producing, brought back the production of "Alice: A Rock Opera" for the older audience. Running concurrently was the children's show, "Alice In Wonderland". Having been a groupie of the original 1973 production, I can attest that the entertainment & music held up wonderfully over the past 30 years. Firelight had to hire two young singers outside of their own troupe to fill a couple of rolls. In the lead as "Alice" was belter, 14 year old Hannah Cochran. The other "outsider" was my daughter, local singer/songwriter, Ashlee Rose, then 13 years old. Both Hannah & Ashlee Rose are now Freshman attending NESA which is San Antonio's magnet school for the arts. The two shows played a total of about 50 shows over Feb & Mar 2003 and I never ever tired of it. I would snap up a CD of this music if it were ever made available. Until then, I guard with my life the cassette tapes I have."
AMERICAN PEDDLERS - Glenn Smith - guitar,voc / Aaron Barker - bass,voc / Joe Tora - keys,voc / Greg Hall (also various drummers) - drums,voc. Mike Lowell writes: Be sure to visit Aarons website at: (Contributed by Bob Gentry) Bob writes: "I'm sure you met some of the guys in the American Peddlers. Are you aware of what happened to Aaron Barker, the bassist and lead vocalist? He has made the move to Nashville, gone country, and written songs like "Love Without End, Amen" for George Strait. Don't know where any of the others went to though...." Mike Lowell adds: Last I heard....Joe Tora moved back to the northeast, New York I think. Glenn Smith works around Texas as a concert promoter under the name 'Glenn Smith Presents' (I think that's the name!). Greg Hall went back with his former band mates The Smith Brothers. And we know what Aaron is up to......." (Contributed by Kevin Cook) KC writes: "I was surfing the web and came across your site. I was glad to see The American Peddlers mentioned. After Joe Torra left the band, I was enlisted to fill in for him for about a year before the band disbanded. I made the connection from playing with The Boyd Brothers of Bandera and Bill Butler of Hondo. I was was fortunate to play with the band on the road right after Aaron had "Baby Blue" recorded by George Strait and with Glen Smith's booking ability, we were able to play many big shows around the country including opening for Alabama in front of 10,000 in Richmond, VA. While I played with the band, we had Gerald Boyd on guitar and after he left for Nashville, Bill Caisse. After The Peddlers disbanded, I played with Bill several months on The Chelsea Street Pub circuit. I have since lost contact with all the players except an occasional note from Aaron. I went back to college and received my Bachelors degree and now teach for the state of Texas. The band I play with now (3rd Degree) is made of musicians retired from the road playing for fun and a little money on weekends. Although I still play with 3rd Degree, I am concentrating on my recording studio and start-up independent record label. ." (Contributed by Martini) M writes: "Glenn Smith (once an American Peddler) is one of the largest band promoters in Southern United States. He books top of the line performers in the country and rock genres from Garth Brooks to Brittany Spears. He also books classic bands out for their comeback tours like Styx, Foreigner, Heart, etc... He and his wife Linda have built a huge promotion company, but still base out of San Antonio." (Contributed by Willie) W writes: "The American Peddlers used to play out at Fort Hood and my little group of friends would go to see them every time they were here. We even traveled to San Antonio Lackland Airforce base to see them put on a show at the outside pavilion. We knew the original members very well and we were all friends with them for so long, I even named my son after two members in the original band. I would say they had a major impact on my life. We lost track of them for years and one day i was sitting at home watchin CMT and there was this man singin solo, with a flag imposed in the background, i was mesmerized, kept staring at him and listening and saying to myself 'i know this man'. At the end, i saw his name and about fell off the couch!!! It was Aaron. I miss them so much and am glad that I did a search for American Peddlers and came across your website. Thank you so much for having this on here." (Contributed by Bill Caisse) BC writes: "I was the guitarist in not only the Alice rock opera, but the guitarist for the American Peddlers from 1984 -1988, and then also for Aaron Barker as a solo artist through 1993. Currently living back in Texas, after three years in Nashville. Happily working at Apple Computer, and playing guitar for The Klocks." (Contributed by Scott Gerard) SG writes: "I have alot of great memories playing drums for the "American Peddlers" and the times we were out on the road. The lineup at that time was Aaron Barker (Lead Vocals, Bass), Glen Smith (Guitar, Vocals), Joe Torra (Keyboards, Vocals) and myself. Our sound man was Lee Mack and he did a fantastic job for us at that time. The Peddlers always seemed to pack a house wherever they played. From what I know, Glen Smith is a well known promoter (Garth Brooks, Goo Goo Dolls, to name a few) and was nominated for promoter of the year at the CMA awards last year. He currently resides in Bulverde and I see him around town every once in a while. Aaron Barker has definitely left his mark as one of the finest songwriters of our time and currently lives in Nashville. Joe Torra currently lives in Pittsfield, Massachusetts and owns a clothing store called "Diedra's Great Clothing" (named after his wife). Bill Caisse replaced Glen Smith (due to Glen pursued his promoting business full-time), however the band never seemed to be able to do much after that. The band went bankrupt shortly after that and the Peddlers soon disappeared but the memories live on. I still live in San Antonio and I plan on continuing my musical endeavors until I can't anymore. It's great to see some of the old Peddler fans when I play gigs around town." (Contributed by Steve Wisnoski) SW adds: "I also was a member of American peddlers close to the end after Bill Caisse." (Contributed by Bubba Henze) BH writes: "I worked for them as a lighting director for about a year in '82. Glenn and Joe already had the promotions thing going and a production company called South Texas Sound and Lights. When we weren't working Peddlers gigs, they would book the crew and gear on regional shows like Dr. Hook or Reba McIntire. My most memorial experience was the Airman's Club on Lackland AFB in '82. Aaron had finished writing and recording Survive, which was basically all about the whole Air Force recruitment and training experience (the Peddlers had been playing airman's clubs for many years). One song was called Lackland Laser. It referred to the flashlights with the orange cones the airman were had to carry on their walk to the club. That night when the band played it for the first time, to a packed house of maybe 800 "pingers", the whole crowd turned on their flashlights and swept them in unison to the music. It was unbelievable! Joe called me on the intercom from the stage and told me to kill the stage lights. The Air Force had it's own light show going on that night!" (Contributed by James Nichols) JN writes: "I enjoyed reading about this group's history and as I was a part of it, I thought that I would add to the story. The American Peddlers were formed in 1970 with three servicemen ( Jim Nichols, Ken Joiner and Monk Porter) and one civilian (Randy Mason). They started playing on the bases as well as the Pendulm, Timber Wolf, and several other local clubs. In late 1970, most of the members were either transferred or moved with the exception of bassist Jim Nichols. He recruited Jim Morrison (no, not THE Jim Morrison,) Ronnie Black and Joe Torra and kept the band alive. This group played all the military bases in the San Antonio area as well as Laredo, etc. Jim left the group in mid 1971 when he was transferred to Japan, and formed the Country Peddlers and performed there for four years. He then returned to the states, became a civilian and moved back to Ohio. He currently lives in South Carolina and is still playing and writing with his group, Dystansy. Thanks."
ANGEL FIRE - (Contributed by Bobby Flores) BF writes: "I don't know if I mentioned my last band to you, Angel Fire. We played the "A" circuit in Texas from '88 through '96 and worked mostly in the Dallas area. Played Borrowed Money (Dallas) and Crystal Chandelier clubs (Lancaster), the Texas Star in Denton and the Santa Fe Junction in San Angelo. I was joined by my brother Greg Flores and sister Sandra Flores and we did mostly top-40 country and dance rock too. We came very close to two different major label deals, with Warner and M.C.A. Our band had two or three different drummers and bass players, etc. Here's a list of who performed with us: Drums: Phil Dalmolin, Tad Parker, Brian Pfeffer Bass: Jim Kalson, Joe Cooper, Alan Chapman Keyboards: Scott Honsberger, Rick Ramirez Steel: Chuck Back, Jerry Blanton, Randy Reinhard Acoustic guitar: Greg Flores, Dale Sandling I played guitar, fiddle & steel."
BADFINGER - Mike Lowell writes: My band RENEGADE had the chance to do the warm up slot for this band at a large club off West Ave in SA around 1983. Badfinger had long since faded in glory but they sounded great as ever doing all the famous hits. The original bass player was now on lead guitar and the only member of the original group from the 60's. They pulled in a large crowd and it was generally a great night for everybody. Both bands shared a large dressing room backstage and the guys held us in awe with their stories of how they use to hang out with the Beatles and the wild times they had in their heyday. Nice bunch of fellows." (Contributed by Steve Denney) SD writes: "I also remember the show you mentioned that Renegade played at The Rock Saloon, opening for Badfinger. I was there. I seem to recall that the tickets said that Shawn Sahms band Prezence was going to open, but for whatever reason they werent there, and Renegade opened instead. You guys sounded good and did a great job warming up the crowd that day! It pains me to tell you that I am about 99% sure that the guy who claimed to be in the original Badfinger was probably talking through his hat. The real original bass player was a guy named Tom Evans (who hanged himself in 83). I saw Tom in 79 (at the Armadillo!) and he was definitely not on the stage at that show in S.A. Around the time of this show (July 82), the remaining original Badfinger members were bitterly infighting, and there were several bands called Badfinger on the road at this time. Some of them with NO original members. I remember being so disappointed because I had really been looking forward to that show. The bizarre thing is that the band that played had really done their homework, and actually sounded pretty good. They were the best Badfinger cover band I probably ever heard!" Mike Lowell adds: "In all honesty.. I can't say that what Steve Denney says is not true. I just don't know. I was there in the warmup band but it was such a busy confused day and I was not a Badfinger historian at the time... I am just not sure who It was that I was talking to backstage from Badfinger. I certainly was not going to insult the Badfinger guys by asking 'who are you again?'. It's sad for me if it was all a bogus band after all this time. At any rate, it was still a thrill for me to have been a member of the warmup band that night for whatever Badfinger lineup it was. Maybe more folks can shed some light on this."
BAD NEWZ - (Contributed by Debra Fiedler) DF writes: "Preston and John Bracy fronted this band... we use to practice next door to them and we did a gig with them at Sheps."
JULIE BAILEY AND THE TEXAS GEMS - (Contributed by Mike Workman) MW writes: "Aug84-Sep85: I played in various bands: Most consistent with Julie Bailey & the Texas Gems [Brett Lowey, J.R on bass, Will on drums], Frank Chamberlain & Black Mountain."
BARRIER - (Contributed by Jody Moore) JM writes: "My first band, Barrier, (Rusty Howard, Larry Howe, Brian Pogue, me and David Montgomery). We opened regularly for Heyoka at Charlie's Quarter Place in Universal City and at Crazy Darryl's on Fred' Rd. Our name was unique in that it was in honor of our roadie, my best friend, Jack Barrier (now a big-time jet-setting executive with Oracle)."
BLACKJACK - (Contributed by Ernest Cruz) EC writes: Blackjack, who hailed from the Southeast side of town, used to rock my socks off. "The band was fronted by a cool and soulful singer named Keith ?, Mike Mullins on bass, Alonso Avila on lead guitar, Daniel Silva on lead & rhythm guitar and Bob Gonzales on drums. This band played stuff like Trapeze, Deep Purple, Bad Company and Queen. They also won a Battle of The Bands competition at the Sunken Gardens Theater. I don't recall what broke them up but after there break-up Keith left for New York City, Bob pursued an all original band called Metalis, I don't know where Daniel went but Mike and Alonso put another project together recruiting Ralph Pacheco on second guitar, Manuel Castillo on lead vocals and Mark ? on drums and became Rampant."
BLUE TUESDAY - (Contributed by CJ Wilson) C.J. Wilson-guitar,voc / Steve 'Liz" Kinser-voc /Geoff Kinser-keyboard,guitar /Tom Lienke-Bass (former member of the Lienke Brothers OKC) /Doc Holliday-drums /Blair Montgomery-Saxophone (former member of the Moondogs in OKC). '86-'87 Local r&b band i was in...this band opened for SRV.
BOBBY JENKINS AND SOUTHERN MAGIC - (Contributed by David Sumners) DS writes: "Bobby Jenkins and Southern Magic 1980. A touring country rock band, we played locally and around Texas and Tennessee. Featuring Bobby Jenkins on vocals, guitar and fiddle, Billy Bear Middleton on guitar, myself on bass, and some different drummers. What a talented player and song writer Bob is, and he still plays today with his equally talented son, Jodie."
THE BOIZ - (Contributed by Bobby Flores) BF writes: "I thought you might remember "The Boiz". We were around when Cooter Brown's, Great Jubilation and Scratch clubs were happening, around '83 though '86. The Boiz included the great Kort Ogden on bass (of the original HomeCooking), Phil Dalmolin on drums, Mike Byrne on keyboards, Mike Feliciano and myself on guitars & vocals. We played down at the Hyatt Riverwalk's La Puerta club as well. The Boiz was formed from an earlier band,"Gone City" which featured the incomparable, late Ronnie Warner. "Gone City" included both Al Balderama and Steve Camp on keyboards, Phil Dalmolin on drums, Fred Carrillo on sax, Mike Feliciano on guitar, Ronnie Warner and then later myself. "Gone City" did everything from Steely Dan to R & B, Funk and originals. "The Boiz" were a dance-rock group and we did the popular stuff at the time....The Fixx, Tubes, Van Halen, Sammy Hagar, The Cars, Toto, Christopher Cross, etc." (Contributed by Phil Dalmolin) PD writes: "I came back to SA to play with other country guys until mid '84 when Kort Ogden, Bobby Flores, Flea and I had been talking about putting together a top 40 techno/rock band and so became the BOIZ. We found a keyboard player from New Braunfels named Michael Byrne. We played all over south Texas and built quite a following. We played for a few years every Sunday night at a club on Fredricksburg road called "Great Jubilations." Everyone in SA knew and we built a great Sunday night crowd for a long time. I remember one of many funny stories about that place. For awhile we attracted some wrestlers from downtown and one night there were about 15 or 20 of them in there and they chose up sides (also something to do with an off duty drunk cop saying he could kick all their asses) And voila! we had a rock and roll John Wayne bar fight scene. They tore that place to shreds. Kort and I were in the kitchen with giant stewpots over our heads shaking like little girls! The Boiz lasted until around '87 when for whatever reasons the band fizzled out." (Contributed by Dennis Shows) DS writes: "My band The Craze's keyboard/guitarist Ken Brazle, had a home recording studio called 'Walk on water'. One time he asked me if i wanted to hang out, and keep an eye on the place, while some guys from San Antonio recorded there. It was the mid 80's, they were a jazz outfit. All i remember was the guitar players name was Mike [flea] Feliciano, and the bass players name was Kurt, he ran sound for us a few times. I remember Flea telling me that his most favorite guitar player in the whole world was Larry Carlton. He said that he had met him at the S.A. airport one time."
BONEYARD - (Contributed by Robby McKenzie) RM writes: "Just wanted to fill in a few blanks. The original Boneyard consisted of Stan Singleton on drums(one of your contributors), Robby McKenzie on guitars (thats me), Alroy(Pete) Lyro on bass, and James(Mac) Mcmahan vocals. We played at some of the clubs you mentioned and others.... Cuchi Room on East Houston comes to mind. We did all original hard rock. I think I remember seeing you guys at the Folklife Festivals. Keep up the good work."
BOOGIE BLUED - ( Contributed by Phil Moran a.k.a. OKIE D ) Garth Rankin - guitar,voc / Danny Cowan - guitar / Ricky Wells - bass,voc / Hal Wells - drums.
BOULEVARD - (Contributed by David Sumners) DS writes: "Boulevard 1980 -1985.Too many years spent with this band. Damn near ruined my health. Headed up by song writing duo of Rick Harper and Gary Bolen, the back up players were phenomenal. Dan Dreeben on drums, Mike Kindred on keyboards ( wrote SRVs hit Cold Shot ) ,Don Earl Harding on vocal and guitar and myself on bass. Big aspirations, big egos and big habits broke this band."
BROTHERHOOD - (Contributed by Bobby Flores) BF writes: "In my late teens I had a top-40 band called Brotherhood. It featured: Drums: Bill Heath / Bass: Jim Kalson / Keyboards: John Brandesky / Steel: Gib Wharton / Guitar: Bobby Hargarther & myself Vocals: Pam Kalson & I"
CARMEN BRYANT - (Contributed by Mike Workman) MW writes: "Sep89-Nov89: Carmen Bryant hired me to play in her band, mostly R&B, jazz, and soul. We played a lot on the East Side of SATX, mostly black clubs, functions. In that band was Carmen, myself, Cecil Carter on trumpet, John Tyndell on Bass, Jimmy Smith on drums (these three were from the US Army Band at Ft Sam), David Lukey on sax. Cooking band, really!"
BULLIT LAVOLTA - (Contributed by Sam Wakefield) SW writes: "Clay Tarver (another Alamo Heights alum.) Formed Bullet Lavolta in late '80's in Boston. Signed to Kerrang and later RCA, they toured with Soundgarden, Prong, etc. Is now member of sometimes active NYC band Chavez (on Matador records), garnering much indie cred."
CANARY - (Contributed by CJ Wilson) CJ writes: Canary...i never got to see them..but i believe they were a Texas act. I remember a friend of mine saying the drummer set his cymbals on fire with a lighter.
CECIL AND SYLVIA - (Contributed by Scoop) S writes: "I haven't read through every entry yet, but I don't recall seeing any mention of Cecil Thomason and/or Cecil and Sylvia. He was friends with Pat Wetmore and David Hill."
CHAD - (Contributed by Ray Wilburn) RW writes: "I was with a funk group around San Antonio named "Chad" members were Harold Green-keys, Gregory Givens-guitar, Josev Castano-guitar, Leonard Wilrich-bass guitar, Marvin Middleton-vocals, and William Smith vocals and percussion."
CHASE - (Contributed by Dennis Shows) DS writes: "I was looking at your trivia website, and I noticed the piece that Bobby Stoner contributed about the band Foxfire, and their guitarist David DeLuna. I am from Port Lavaca, about 30 miles south of Victoria. I graduated in 1980, and really didn't get to go out to see live music until the 80;s, but when I did, I saw this band at a little dive in the country called the Music Box. There was this band there called CHASE; they kicked major buttocks! They were extremely tight as they played covers by Sammy Hagar, Eddie Money, Journey, and even some real good originals that could have been played on the radio at that time. Anyway, being an aspiring guitarist; I took to David's style, and he was and is still an amazing player! I ended up befriending David, and, have kept in touch with him off and on, from then to today. Let me give some history, where b.s. left off. David on guitar[lead], Mike Penson on lead vocals and rythym guitar, Frank Nance on drums, John Bustos on bass. This lineup lasted until about late 84. Frank left to join the Emotions, I think, and was replaced by a guy out of Austin, named Paul Ramsey. Paul Ramsey left the band quickly, because some things were different than he was told. I left Port Lavaca for a couple of years, and was told that the band went through a few drummers, and a new bass player, that I didn't meet 'till around 2000, named Skip, I cant remember his last name. Ultimately, the band broke up, in about 87 or 88. David played with several bands in the area, including the Emotions, in the early 90's. he finally decided to do his own stuff, and along the way became born again, He now has a three piece band, with Paul Ramsey, back on drums, and Skip, back on bass. They play Christian inspired instrumental rock, and some with vocals too, in the same vein as Joe Satriani, and Eric Johnson; they are called S.K.P."
CHASER - (Contributed by Tony Pena) TP writes: "Another band I failed to mention was Chaser which originally consisted of Jay Martinez (guitar & vocals), Pete Hernandez (keyboard and vocals), Chris Alaniz (drums) and Stanley (bass & vocals). These guys played a variety of blues, rock n roll and rhythm and blues.They sounded so good that when Stanley was quitting and they recruited me for the band, I tried to talk Stanley into staying. He was definitely a key part. Anyway I joined that band and tried to meet the expectations while playing at the Swizzle stick, Casbeers, and various other clubs that I can't remember.Jay Martinez is still playing around town with various combos, Pete moved to Colorado to accept a music teacher position after he got his degree here, Chris stepped into religion and haven't heard from him.Very versatile band and I definitely learned a lot from those guys."
C.J. & THE PARTY CRASHERS - (Contributed by CJ Wilson) C.J. Wilson-guitar,voc /Jayne Brady-Bass /Deb Hill-Drums(circa '89-'92)
THE COBRAS - Rhythm & Blues based outfit based out of Austin. (Contributed by Steve Lewis) SL writes: " Unfortunately, Jr. Medlow of the Cobras died at home in Lubbock: Cancer claimed the life of rhythm 'n' blues vocalist Larry "Jr." MedlowWilliams on April 17, 1997." (Contributed by Max Thrailkill) MT writes: "On the memorial page you list Jr Medlow's Band as the Cobras. I went to High School with Larry back in Lubbock. I know that Larry had several bands. He sang for the Cobras right after SRV left to form Double Trouble. Jr. Medlow's last band was called Jr. Medlow and Tornado Alley. They played in SA a couple of times. I think the last time might have been at the Bowie Street Blues Fest in 95 or 96."
COLD STEEL CANDY - (Contributed by Ernest Cruz) EC writes: "On Cold Steel Candy, I remember that band being fronted by Donald Kolonik; not sure if last name is spelled correctly, Bill Huedepohl on drums, Jackie Hancock on bass and Steve ? on guitar. Donald's grandmother had this hair salon on Hackberry St. and this was where they held rehearsals. The guys were from the Highlands High School area. Donald used to go to high school wearing these extravagant outfits and would definitely turn heads since he looked like a rock star. After their break-up Bill & Jackie put another band together called Lynx which did well for a while. Donald moved to California but not sure if he continued the field. Jackie moved to Dallas and I don't think he ever pursued this field either. Bill went on to other projects here in San Antonio such as Roller, Ground Zero and is currently with Seven Layer Dip."o info yet
COUPE DEVILLE - See a full photo and comments page HERE
THE CRAZE - (Contributed by Dennis Shows) DS writes: "I was in this band, it had been going since about 80, i guess, by some school friends from New Braunfels. I was in it from 85 to 87. Just a weekend party band. We played stuff from that time, INXS, Tommy Tutone, Bryan Adams, and some stuff from the 60's too, Louie Louie, Wild Thing. We played at the Prickly Pear a lot, and did a few outrageous frat parties in Austin! This was the line up. Ken Brazle: gtr, keys, vocals. Mark Mendez: lead vocals. Loren Crow: lead guitar, vocals. Dennis Shows: lead guitar, vocals. Carl Morgan: drums, vocals. Will Willard: bass, vocals."
CROSSOVER - ( Contributed by Rick Linn ) Dickie Loos - voc, guitar,fiddle, pedal steel / Rick Linn - keys, guitar, voc /Duane Klaus - lead guitar / James Brandesky - voc,bass, guitar / Alan Zidek - voc, Hammond organ /Tooter Ripps - voc, guitar / Pat Estrada - voc / PhilKelman - bass / John Damaini - drums, voc / ScottWilliams - voc, drums'75 to '82. RL writes: "This lineup was the longest running edition of Crossover. Crossover was a large band with the ability to play many different musical styles to include R&B, MOR and country, but specialized in contemporary rock and pop, covering many LynardSkynard, Rolling Stones, Eagles, Motown and Van Halen tunes faithfully note for note, but could also play the old country dance hall tunes with the authentic sound of Bob Wills. The band almost exclusively played the South Texas dance hall circuit, attracting 1,000 or more attendance at dances every Friday and Saturday nights for its entire run. Locally,Crossover played regularly at the old Randy's on Bandera Rd and Blue Bonnet Palace. There were only a select few bands that music lovers and dances would support in that circuit and Crossover was one of those few. This band featured Dickie Loos, who could play just about any instrument that has ever been made. This was the ultimate party band playing in a dance hall setting. Several other musicians passed through the Crossover years, most notably Vince Villastrigo,who replace Rick when he moved to Houston. After his Crossover stint, Vince went on to a successful music career on the East Coast. Other notable musicians passing through the band were Melody Ackerman on guitar (man, can she play!) and Peggy Keener (wife of Small World's Kyle Keener) on lead vocals. Peggy had a beautiful voice. Crossover parted ways in '82 primarily due to several of the members graduating from college and going their separate ways. Dickie and Scott went on to form Firefox, which became a very successful party/bar band in the mid-late 80's."
DANSIR - (Contributed by Geoff Lupton) GL writes: "Acoustic groups such as Dansir and John David and William .....evolved into the beginnings of Black Rose. (Contributed by Frank Longobardi) Frank writes: "The last I remember of Dansir, was the group with Steve Gott on Bass guitar, Danny ? on Vocals, Jimmy ? on Drums, & Charlie Phelps on Guitar. I think there was another player, but I don't know his name. Originally, they were an all acoustic act, playing at places like Maggie's on San Pedro. Class Act! Later, they hooked up with a drummer (Jimmy) to do more of the dance clubs. That's really all I know about them."
DOGMAN & THE SHEPHERDS/ NEAL BLACK & THE HEALERS - (Contributed by Janet Walden) JW writes: "Starting as Dogman & The Shepherds around 1980ish, Neal Walden aka Neal Black, Gary Walden and Rene Lopez played the local club circuit for many years. With hits like "I don't get the blues when I'm stoned", and "Jail in San Antone" the band was highly requested by bar owners and patrons alike as well as having enormous airplay in the United States.After years of playing in San Antonio and touring the rest of the country as well as a few band member changes along the way, Neal decided to head to New York. The Dogman & The Shepherds music that Neal had written and recorded was being pirated by a local idiot so Neal had to change the name of the band. His project was now known as "Neal Black & The Healers". He also hooked up with many famous blues artists such as John Sebastian, Chuck Berry, Johnnie Johnson, Papa John Creach and too many more to mention. He performed at the Woodstock 20th anniversary, Nottodden Blues, Montreaux Blues, and many other festivals throughout the world. With more than 10 albums out including a Polygram Compilation along with Bo Diddley, Ian Moore, Chuck Berry, Johnny Winter, etc, Dixie Frog Records, Flying Fish / Deluge, and more, and huge success throughout Europe, United States and Mexico Neal Black is one of San Antonio's success stories. "
DOUBLE BARREL - ( Contributed by Rick Linn ) Danny Clark - voc, guitar / James Brandesky - bass, voc / Buddy Reininger- lead guitar / Rick Linn - keys, voc / Pete Sengle -drums, voc '84 to '88. RL writes: "This lineup was the longest running edition of Double Barrel, started by Danny Clark, who was an aspiring songwriter. This group specialized in contemporary country, covering songs as faithfully to the originals as possible and was equally at ease with all styles of music. Double Barrel's sound was good enough to earn them many gigs opening up for well known country acts to include John Conlee, Steve Wariner, Gary Morris, and the Bellamy Brothers. Double Barrel would do 1 or 2 original tunes every set, all written by Danny. The lead guitarist Buddy is a well known guitarist in South Texas who can play both conutry and rock licks with ease. The band eventually broke up after Danny and Rick decided to pursue other interests. Pete moved to Corpus Christi and now devotes his musical talents in Christian ministry. Buddy continues to play with various groups in South Texas. James passed away from Bone Marrow Cancer about 5 years ago. James' brother John Brandesky is an extremely talented multi-instrumentalist who has quite a legacy in the SA and South Texas music scene."
DRUG STORE COWBOYS - Dub Robinson - guitar,voc / Larry Horwedel -bass / Robert Payne - drums. Mike Lowell writes: This band was/is SA's country rock trio answer to ZZTop. Dub is a great guitar player in a rock vein with country roots. A mainstay in area clubs for many years. Talented players and nice guys on a personal level. I have a copy of a single they put out. Side A - "Changing Partners" , Side B - "Somebody help me fall out of love". Listed credits include: Bob Mahaffey - steel guitar / Reese Wynan - piano / Backgrn vocs - Judy Price, Lisa Rhodes, Andy Salmon. Producer: Andy Salmon. 1983. on Austin Records. (Contributed by Butch Linam) BL writes: "Howdy from the hill country, there's a long story here if ya have the time, I can tell it to ya, that is if you want to know. The original Drugstore Cowboys.. three teens on the south side of San Antonio, Dub Robinson - guitar vocals,Tom Mckay - bass vocals, Butch Linam - drums . We started writing and playing a long long time ago. I tell ya our first recordings were a little rough. Early days of the cowboys were rough, but we were kickin hind end as a three piece band. Not many people even know of the early days, except those who were in the band. And as far as i know Dub and Butch are the only ones around who know the original band and how difficult it was back then. I was surfing around, never found any mention of the original band or the songs we recorded. we were mixing rocking beats way before Willie Nelson had a clue what hit him.crowds kept saying to play the songs like the records.but a little slip here and there in the songs is what was happening. There's a reason things happened. but I can't tell ya.. ya just wouldn't believe it.." (Contributed by Ray Wilburn) RW writes: "I joined the drugstore cowboys from 90' to 91' while signed to the Misty record label. That line up consisted of Dub Robinson - guitar/vocals,John Brandeski- keys/vocals(Stardust, Duck soup, etc.) Jeff Long- bass/vocals and me Ray Wilburn- drums/vocals."
DUSTY ROADS - (Contributed by Fernando) F writes: "I was into jazz although I played guitar and pedal steel during the 'country rock' era with a group called Dusty Roads (Larry Kuentz- guitar /vocals, Charlie Kuhnel Bass/vocals, Fernando Esparza guitar/pedal steel guitar/ vocals, Vincent Rakowitz drums) we played at places like Gasoline Alley, the Place Next Door, but mostly did more with the military base clubs. I knew Vincent Coy, Kenny Pease and those Edison guys through Charlie, Larry, and Rak. David Wilson would later play drums too. CJ Troilo would sometimes sit in."
EASY MONEY - (Contributed by Lee Adams) Rusty Martin -voc,guitar,mandolin,harp / Bobby Hargarther - Lead guitar / Reggie Hammond - Piano,vol / ?- bass,voc / Lee Roy Adams - drums,voc. Lee writes: "The band started off as a trio. 80'-81'. Rusty, Reggie & a bass player whose name I can not remember. They played for a while in places like Maggie's and Mamma's. Then Rusty brought me (Lee Roy) into the group. I introduced Bobby to the guys a few weeks later and wa la! We were a full fledged band. Rusty Martin was (and is still) one of my all time favorite singers. Very talented. Like the name of the band, the sound was easy listening. Light rock with a flare of jazz this band was one of my favorites to play in. All the musicians in this band were well polished players. Like Reggie Hammond, a child prodigy, this guy played on a piano that was literally held together with a piano dolly and straps. He made it sound like a baby grand. Bobby Hargarther a product of Jackie King Studio (and a lot of natural ability) gave the band the jazz touch with his guitar. It's to bad we are not still playing together. Rusty is still around somewhere playing I'm sure." (Contributed by Roy Rousseau) RR writes: "Mike. Great job on band info. My name is Roy Rousseau. I played guitar with Easy Money. Rusty Martin, myself, and Gene Haynes on bass were the original trio. 80-81. We had a honky-tonk piano player named Reggie Dale join later. I heard that Reggie lost a couple of fingers in a skill saw accident. Not sure where he is today. I still see Rusty occasionally, sadly the last couple of times were to play songs for his two older brothers memorial services, Richard Martin, and David Martin. We played little league together, coached by thier father Herb. It was an honor for Rusty to contact me after all these years to celebrate his brothers passing."
EDDIE AND THE ALLNITERS - (Contributed by John Ramirez) JR writes: "I'm in two bands but only one is playing - Eddie and the Allniters ... that's Ed Polanco-remember Island? Basically a blues band but a 3 guitar army with Ray Symczyk who also plays accordion, mandolin, and keys; we mix in some Cajun and Tex-Mex. Ed plays good blues harmonica, acoustic and slide. I must say at age 61, I still get the same feeling with all guitars wailing at the end of Watchtower...except now we know to go where the other guys aren't. We have a myspace site that is just getting going ... trying to come up to the times."
EMERALD - (Contributed by Ernest Cruz) EC writes: "Emerald was another band that was a great show band performing original music. I only know that John Sauceda formerly of The Sweetwood Brothers Band was on lead vocals, Mike Mullins on bass and Jerry Doyle on drums. I don't remember the guitarists' names. These guys went on to open for big name acts one I recall being Eddie Money. John married and moved to Boston, Mike is still around; I occasionally run into him at some clubs and Jerry is with the Bad Boys."
FIVE MILLION - (Contributed by Ernest Cruz) EC writes: "Also a few other bands I remember but don't have too much information on were Five Million who I recall had this great guitar player named Julian Dominguez who was well known for his guitar craftsmanship. Many guitarists would take their instruments to him for repair. His band played stuff by Wishbone Ash, Montrose and Foghat, etc.. I remember going to Julian's house once with a friend who was checking the status of his guitar which was being repaired and walking into this room full of vintage guitars hanging on the wall. That's all I have. Thanks."
FOCAL POINT - See a full photo and comments page HERE .
FORCE - (Contributed by Pete Galuppo) PG writes: "I was wondering if you know the names of the band members from Force which was from the 1980's and I know one of the guitarist was named Fred but that's all I remember. They were a good band from San Antonio Texas and also wondering if they are getting back together?" (Contributed by Ernest Cruz) EC writes: "I remember the band Force. They were an awesome band consisting of Fred Polanco on bass, and the Mclane brothers - I believe Michael on Drums and William on lead guitar. Also the lead singer's name I cannot remember but I do recall this being a powerhouse band doing anything from Gary Moore to Judas Priest. I remember them winning a Battle of the Bands competition at the Sunken Gardens Theater. I had heard that William had moved to California for a while to pursue a rock n roll dream; but that's the last I've heard from him. A while back I went to visit this buddy of mine who fronts the band Texas Radio and Fred Polanco was there. We jammed for a while. It was good to see him again."
THE FROZEN FEW - (Contributed by CJ Wilson) C.J. Wilson-guitar,voc /Jayne Brady-Bass /Randy Fowlkes-Drums(died about 4 years ago). Original and covers. circa '84-87.
GLASS EYE - (Contributed by Fran Barrineau) FB writes: "I saw a band in Tallahassee in the late 1980's from Austin, Glass Eye. I have two of their albums. What ever happened to them? Their music seemed to capture so perfectly the gonzo quality of Texas humor and mind set. I assume they broke up but are any of them playing with a band now? I'd really like to know"
GONE CITY - (Contributed by Phil Dalmolin) PD writes: "Back in San Antonio Robert Gomez had a band called Turning Point and had pretty much.......... for a in depth history of the band click HERE to read the story written by Phil Dalmolin.
GUESS WHO - Mike Lowell writes: "This was another warm up slot for my band RENEGADE at the Rock Saloon off West Ave. The Guess Who was another reunion tour act that only featured 2 original members. Neither Burton Cummings nor Randy Bachman were present. Still, they sounded great and there was a full house in the club that night. They did all the hits and the crowd went wild. Another nice bunch of fellows."
HAMMER - Weymon McBride - guitar / Nicky Fain - keys,voc (Contributed by Bobby Stalbird) BS writes: "Also I can add the names of Courtland (Corky) Keith (guitar), Joel Sweeney (drums), and Willie Sweeney (bass) to the members of "Hammer". They all grew up in the Schertz / Cibolo area with Nick Fain.
THE HARDLINERS - (Contributed by Steve Denney) SD writes: "('83 to '87) Steve Denney (guitar / vocals), Butch Denney (bass / vocals), and Jim Eiland (drums / vocals). This was my dream band. We produced a record on our own label, and played many memorable gigs in the S.A. and Austin area. I was - and still am - very, very proud of that band. There are some amazing live recordings that I hope to put out on CD someday. We called ourselves a rock band, but shifted between hard-core Delta blues, Who-flavored rock & roll, Buck Owens country, Jimi Hendrix covers, jazz-tinged originals, and the occasional acapella gospel song - often in the same set. (Our business cards simply said "The Hardliners - Fine Electric Music.") Jimmy was one of the best drummers I ever played with, and it was a blast to finally work with my older brother Butch in a band we could really cut loose with. When Butch moved to Florida, we broke up, because there was just no replacing him. Shortly thereafter, I put the guitar in the case and didn't really take it out again for about ten years. Butch is back in S.A. now, retired from the music scene and working as an electrician. I think Jim is still active with some music projects. Me, I'm playing again for fun, here in the Boston area, with the perspective and (hopefully) wisdom that a few years away from "the business" can bring. My Web site is and my email is - I'd love to hear from any of my old friends and colleagues!"
HOT CHEXX - Frank Longobardi - voc,harp,keys / Mike Lowell - guitar,voc,keys / John Hogan - sound man / Steve Gott- bass,voc / Cid Vargas - keys,voc / Dan Dreeban - drums (later replaced by Jimmy ?). Mike Lowell writes: This band evolved from the core of the RENEGADE band after a lawsuit required name change. The song list was heavy techno dance fully using the power mix of computerized parts combined with live playing for a solid full and powerful live act. The name change (see RENEGADE) gave the band a new lease on life since most people thought it was a new band. The popularity grew more over the next year and the dance floors stayed jammed full at every gig. In late 86', Mike Lowell, John Hogan, & Dan Dreeban decided to leave the band in pursuit of new projects. John Hogan had become a skilled audio tech by this time and would later form his own sound company which thrives to this day in the area. Mike Lowell would move to Dallas in search of the next big adventure. Dan Dreeban remains a A-list first call drummer in the area to this day. The band would continue on for the next several years with replacements and various evolutions in its sound and approach. Charlie Phelps joined on as lead guitarist at this time. Around mid 87', Bassist Steve Gott , drummer Jimmy, and Charlie would leave the band. The band struggled for another year replacing the Bass and drums with a drum machine and synthizisers and added guitarist Steve Fairchild and female vocalist Adeana. The fact that this band now had no live bass player and drummer did not sit well with many club owners and the band finally dissolved in late 88'. Soon after the breakup Frank moved to Denver and Vargas moved to Dallas. Steve Gott would be killed in a car crash while on tour in Canada in 89'. He is missed. Rest in peace brother. In the end, Long live Renegade/Hot Chexx. What a long strange trip it's been - indeed! (Contributed by Frank Longobardi)- Frank writes: Hot Chexx was...... Click HERE to read an in depth description of the final days and version of this band.
INCOGNITO - San Antonio Band (Contributed by Jerry Canavati) - These guys were doing their thing in the SA area for years during the mid 80's. Kenny and the gang. Nice guys and fun band.
INNERVIEW - (Contributed by Ric Swanson) RS writes: "I joined a New Braunfels cover band in 1989 called 'Innerview'. They had a long established following and that association resulted in many great gigs. We were a full blown production ... complete with road crew, MASSIVE PA and lights and perfectly performed covers of everything from Aerosmith to ArcAngels. We were VERY good...and it showed. That band consisted of me, Dennis Peek, Tommy Thompson, Howard Yeargan, and several drummers named Troy. We had a hard time finding and keeping drummers. Carl Nowotny was our full time engineer and 6th member of the band. A sonic perfectionist, Carl made us sound so damn good. My relationship with this New Braunfels band culminated in building a recording studio and producing a (cassette) release in 1992 - 'Innerview'. I left the band in '94 or so to re-unite Nightwork but continued my relationship with these guys as co-owners of 'Studio 16'. The studio closed in 1996." (Contributed by Dennis Shows) DS writes: "My band, The Craze's, guitar/keyboardist Ken Brazle had a home studio called 'Walk on water'. Innerview recorded some tracks there, he was also their attorney." (Contributed by Dennis Peek) DP writes: "This is Dennis Peek, one of the founding members of Innerview. Thought I'd mention that even before Rick's involvement we were much more than a cover band. We did 3 cassettes; Innerview, Short Cuts and Hooked. We had 2 fully produced music videos, the first was a song called 'Out of Reach' which appeared on MTV's Basement Tapes Competition in I think 1985, we placed 2nd. The second was called 'Living Today' which was on limited rotation of MTV in 1987. We had several singers, starting with Mike Pinson, then Michael Scherpal then Rick Swanson. All were great singers and 'good people. We had a very good time doing our very best to entertain and give a little something different. It was an honor to be a part of it. By the way, thanks for this website."
INNOCENT BYSTANDER - (Contributed by Skip Mascorro) SM writes: "Britt Mitchell took off to school in Minnesota to later return to San Antonio and gain his own notoriety with hot 80's band called Innocent Bystander."
INTRUDER - (Contributed by CJ Wilson) C.J. Wilson-guitar,voc / Jayne Brady-bass / Craig Markle-guitar,voc(formerly with Gary Lewis & the Playboys) /Rex Gaither -Keyboards / Randy Foister drums. '82-'83 Although they went on for another year or so with a 2 new guitarists and bass. (toured Texas booked by Charlie Hatchett).
ISLAND - See a full photo and comments page HERE .
JUGGERNAUT - (Contributed by Gary Robinson) Gary writes: "I use to roadie w/ Juggernaut back in the mid 80's. I don't keep in touch with any of the guys from the band anymore but have had some updates thru friends over the years. Here's the line up: Harlan Grimm (real last name Glenn)-vocals, Eddie Katilius-Guitar, Scott Womack-Bass, Bobby Jarzambek-Drums. Let me just say that Juggernaut still stands out in my mind as some of the best live shows I've ever seen. They shocked and entertained audiences for the entire show. Harlan would be carried thru the crowd to the stage in a coffin. The stage was basically a grave yard complete with cobwebs and tombstones. Really great to see live!!!!! Juggernaut was pretty popular 83-85ish. Put out 2 albums on Metal Blade. The first album was entitled Baptism Under Fire. I'm not sure if the 2nd album was ever released or not. I do know that Harlan left soon after the first album was released. Last I heard he went to California to pursue a solo act as Harlan Grimm and I believe he released an album. The 2nd album had Steve Cooper from the old San Antonio Slayer band. Steve also sang with WinterKat on occasion. Bobby went on to jam with Mark Reali when Mark reformed Riot. Riot was a big band back in the 70's. Riot had a video on MTV and I think the name of the album was Thunder Steel. I'm pretty sure Riot later changed their name to Narita but I haven't heard of anything from them since. Bobby's brother Ronnie (in S.A. Slayer) was a great guitarist who took Billy White's place in Watch Tower (great Austin band !!!) when Billy was recruited by Don Dokken. Last I heard Scott was a PR guy for a record label and I lost contact w/ Eddie after 91'. That's all the info I have on Juggernaut. Does anyone else remember Wizard, Watch Tower, Slayer (not L.A.!!!), Hellstar,Karion (Carion?). These bands all kicked ass!!!" (Contributed by Harlan Glenn) Harlan writes: "I saw my old band (Juggernaut) listed-and flattered at that. I am Harlan Glenn the original vocalist / screamer for the band, formed by myself and Scott Wolmac. There is one error, in that I was with the band a good year......For those of you out there who followed us-THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT! You are great!... Mike Lowell writes: Harlan was kind enough to elaborate on some history of the band and his new Hollywood career. Click HERE to view the entire info page provided by Harlan. (Contributed by David Reed) DR writes: "I'm David Reed and I played the drums on the 1st album by Juggernaut (Baptism Under Fire) recorded at the Earth & Sky Studio in Austin, TX. My band, Cyanide, used to hang out at Rocky's on Austin Highway in the early 80's. It was there I met Harlan Glenn who later introduced me to Scott Womack. Harlan had me playing with Cyanide during the Battle of the Bands at the old Daddy's on Fredericksburg Rd. Juggernaut was just starting out and had not secured a drummer for the 1st album, so Harlan recommend Scott ask me to sit in and lay the tracks for that record. Harlan & Scott would come to my house on Hickory Grove (behind John Jay High School) to rehearse. Scott & Harlan worked at Hastings Records at Westlake Mercado Mall during this time, which is how I think Scott got his contacts to record. We partied a couple of times at Scott's parents house (Garage) over at Hwy 90 & Valley Hi. Scott & Harlan were quite popular with the ladies too. After that album, they found a drummer and I resumed my gig with Cyanide and later with Hanger 17. I haven't seen those guys since then, it was great to find this site! Oh yeah, Riot is still jamming, I saw them last year at a bar on 410 & Perrin B. They rocked, especially on Outlaw!"
THE KIDS - (Contributed by John Keating ) Chris Lieck - Guitar,Voc / Ed Holmgreen-Guitar,Voc / Mike Orbello - Bass / John Keating - Drums (also Billy Carey). John K writes: "Pop/Rock band started by Alamo Heights alums in 1982. Fashioned its original sound and image after such bands as The Knack and Cheap Trick, with some concessions to the 80's hair-band look, while establishing itself in the local club scene and becoming a regular at the Teen Canteen. Relocated to LA in 1985 and recorded a 10-inch EP "America" which got limited national distribution along with its self-produced music video which won an MTV Basement Tapes award in 1986 and went into regular rotation for several weeks. Changed its name to Kid Curry in 1987 and toured with several national acts including the Pat Travers band before disbanding some time in the early nineties. Chris now owns a music production company and studio in SA, while members John and Ed have pursued other careers in California." Mike Lowell writes: John was kind enough to elaborate on the history of the bands get together. Click HERE to view his page. (Contributed by Sam Wakefield) SW writes: "Trey Gunn (offspring of Gunn Oldsmobile and Alamo Heights alum.) is a legendary prog-rock bassist. "Replaced" Tony Levin in King Crimson; Line-up was Robert Fripp, Adrian Belew, Bill Bruford and Trey Gunn. His solo albums have loyal following." (Contributed by Chris Leick) CL writes: "OH and THE KIDS had their songs appear on international compilation that is selling extremely well THE YELLOW PILLS COMPILATION .... they took all the songs off their first release POP n ROLL and they are playing them all over the world. The publishing statements show radio play from across the globe."
KID CURRY - (Contributed by Rob Cushing) RC writes: "Saw a listing about the band Kid Curry on your site, I remember seeing them open for The Pat Travers Band in 1989 when I was in the Navy at the navy base in Pensacola FL. I remember hanging out with the keyboardist (who was also the keyboardist of Axxe (of "Rock and Roll Party in the Streets" fame) on their tour bus afterwards but coulnt' remember his name and I noticed on the band listing he isn't mentioned, but he was definitely part of the band...would you have any idea who that was?" (Contributed by Chris LiecK) CL writes: "Kid Curry actually first signed with Gallin Morey (Michael Jackson's Manager) then moved to legedary NOEL MONK (Van Halen's Manager). After reaching number one on Sunday nights 120 Minutes on MTV, the band went on four huge tours opening for some heavy hitting bands. EPIC Records Dave Novik was signing the band and had them developing when he moved to the NYC office of EPIC. The band went on to touring with Loverboy, Eddie Money that year and then formed into KK WILDE. KK WILDE was Chris Lieck and Eddie Wilde from San Antonio. KK WILDE went on to do two Cds, both which fetch about $500 each on EBAY. You can read more at
KING PEACH - about 1980. no info yet.
LIQUID SKY - (Contributed by Brian Lutz) - BL writes: "Hey Mike , I came across your web site. Wow! this is really cool, it takes me back. What about liquid sky? It had John Grell (15 years old then), Chris Watkins on bass, Steve Cooper on vocals (later with SA Slayer, Juggernaut, Narita) and David Proctor on drums (who I went to high school with in Hondo,Texas)."
LITTLE JOE AND THE VIPS - (Contributed by Michael Lusk) MLusk writes: "28 years ago when I was in the Air Force, my wife & I were big fans of Little Joe & the VIPs (as they called themselves then). They used to play the military circuit as well as the clubs downtown. I was wondering what had happened to them."
LIVE FROM TEXAS - (Contributed by Kenny Kaufman) KK writes: "I have a band called Live From Texas.The band includes Hector Saldana on guitar,and David Saldana on percussion, Van Baines on guitar and pedal steel, Mark Davis on guitar, myself on drums and one out of towner, Jim Marvin on bass. We do alot of western swing, old country and newer alt. country. We play mostly private functions. It is a real hoot to be playing with the same guys I played with in high school 30 years later. Great site and keep up the good work."
LOS # 2 / 3 DINNERS - (Contributed by Randy Galliher) Randy writes: "Do you remember the 'Number 2 Dinners'? I remember seeing them downtown on south St Mary's Street in the King William area. They did a great 'Mustang Sally'." (Contributed by Martin Medina) MM writes: "I saw these guys a million times. I jumped on stage at the Friendly Spot on S. Alamo in the King William to sing background vocals and play tambourine on "Satisfaction"! The SAPD finally shut the whole thing down because of noise complaints, Rock And Roll! They still play the SA area - You can download some of their music like Quero un Camaro and South Presa Man on" (Contributed by Rudy Sanchez) RS writes: "First of all, this is a great site and brings back many wonderful moments of the good life in the Alamo Town. You have put a lot of work into it and I thank you. I'm Rudy Sanchez, one of the Dinners. Dinners are in their 25th year of doing what we do. The band started out on Halloween night 1979 as Los #2 Dinners. By November that year, we were at the Friendly Spot. The members were: Eric Friendland, who wrote those great SA songs on vocals and guitar, Frank Karpinsky on lead, Don Evans on drums and vocals, Bart Nichols on bass, Norman Avila on vocals and percussions, for a short time, George Horner on vocals and myself on guitar and vocals. Joe Puglese produced our first couple of 45s with Marius Perron at the controls. This was pretty much the line up though the 80s into the early 90s. In the early 90s, the band was played out. Eric, Joe and Bart formed the Pralines playing acoustic blues. Joe Short joined the group on guitar, harmonica and vocals. With Jake Perales on drums, the Pralines began playing electric blues. As they gain popularity, people began requesting #2 Dinners songs. The Pralines became Los #3 Dinners and shifted from straight blues to playing more SA Rock. Don and Norman formed the successful art music group, Batteries Not Included which featured Joe Puglese on keyboards. By the way, last I heard Joe Puglisi was the sound guy for the Dixie Chicks. Don and Norman continue making experimental music in El Even. I was in a few bands in Austin where I lived until I moved back to SA in '98. I then joined Los #3 Dinners sharing bass duties with Bart (he's also in The Swindles) and vocals. In 2003, we're still playing in the Alamo Town. For Dinner Dates check out our web site: Please come and see us sometime. Right now we're having a computer geek upgrading our web site. It will have photos, videos and recordings that can be downloaded. Since we don't care about being rich and famous; I think we're going to have all of our recordings on the site. So anyone who wants to, can download our CDs free. To us this is Rock and Roll. There are some videos on the current site if you want to check them out. Thanks again for the wonderful job you've done. Hail rock and roll."
LOTIONS - Mike Lowell writes: I remember these guys as being a hot outfit. I think they were based out of Austin but played the SA area on a regular basis and had a large following around the early 80's'. I remember a very original song list consisting of a strong reggie / funk beat. Great band. (Contributed by Bobby Stalbird) BS writes: "The Lotions, a reggae band out of Austin. Alan (Mo) Montserrat played bass and vocals and wrote some of their stuff. He actually was an Army brat from San Antonio and led several bands here. When the Argyles were playing TAG at Fort Sam Houston, Alan led a band called Alan and the Uncalled Four that also played there. Great name. I remember Bert Frick (drums) and Pat Dunn (guitar), but I don't remember who the the other member was. Another incarnation was King Smut with the same three members mentioned above with also Dick Bolen on guitar.
MADHOUSE - (Contributed by Monica Pape Cox) Naomi-lead voc / Michael Lopez-Guitar / Jimmy Neutze-drums /Clark Findley- keyboards / Bill Butler-bass. Monica writes: "I would never have remembered any of this, but I still have the E.P. they put out. I think most of the members were from Uvalde. Last I heard, Michael and Naoni moved back to his hometown of Chicago & got married." (Contributed by Ernest Cruz) EC writes: "Naomi formerly of Madhouse is still performing here in San Antonio. She is fronting a band called 8 Ball and she is still belting out tunes." (Contributed by Plexiglass) P writes: "A band I really used to enjoy was Madhouse, who used to play at Cooter Browns. They played really good stuff, dressed real cool, and they sounded so good! Guess the days of live bands who played that kind of music are a thing of the past (a different era)!" (Contributed by Naomi) N writes: "Well, Jimmy Nuetze the drummer is still in Uvalde and has 5 or 6 kids. Not sure, lost count. He started playing again and doing some gig in Uvalde, country I think. Clark Findley - keyboardist is in Dallas and works in a studio of course. Bill Butler lives in Texas. Thank you again for remembering the accomplishments. The 80s were the best times for musicians. Still to this day playing those songs."
MAD SALAD - (Contributed by Sherry Steward) SS writes: "I came across a pic of a band called Mad Salad ( where do they come up with these names?). They played at the Cactus Club (in Houston), but don't know anything else."
MARAUDER - (Contributed by Steve Denney) SD writes: "('81-'82) Steve Denney (guitar / vocals), Robert Martinez (guitar / vocals), John Hagerty (keys / vocals), Ron McKenzie (bass / vocals), and Chris Salazar (drums / vocals). Rock quintet that mixed originals with covers (Skynyrd, REO Speedwagon, UFO). Played lots of gigs at the Jagged Sky on Austin Hwy, the Rock & Roll Connection on Commercial St., and lots of other dingy little rock dives. Did a five-city mini-tour with a metal band called Force - if anyone ever runs into promoter Jeff Stief, he still owes me $250 and I'm still pissed about it. (Not Force's fault; they were nice guys and I think they got ripped off too. :-)"
MAX - Marius Perron - keys,voc,tape machines / Laurent Perron - drums,voc / Michael Morales - guitar,voc. (Contributed by Keith Holt) KH writes: "I recall that Stardust and The Max would combine periodically as "Starmax". I know I saw both bands on the same stage at least twice out at Cooter Browns. The combo of Beth's voice and Michael Morales' guitar licks was awesome."
MICHAEL MORALES / MICHAEL MICHAEL & THE MAX - Mike Lowell writes: Michael had been in the band the MAX immediately in the years before. In 87' he snagged a record deal under the man who produced the Moody Blues and others. The deal was for him as a solo artist. He debuted his first album and a selected cut made its way to rotation on MTV. Locally he would continue to perform with a backup band. ( Contributed by Laurent Perron ) Laurent writes: "Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't see anything written about Monty Montgomery. He was in Michael Michael and The Max for a while. That rendition of the band was really strong. It was Mike Morales guitar vocals, Monty Guitar vocals, Tommy Ray on keyboards and vocals, Mack Gonzales on drums and vocals. Marius ran sound for a while and they sounded tremendous with all that vocal strength. In '84 went with them on a gig in Vail, CO at a swingin' bar. I enjoyed that night dancing and just listening for a change."
MILLENNIUM - (Contributed by Marty Garza) MG writes: "Millennium (1979-1982) was a Progressive Rock outfit that featured Carl Benick on Hammond B-3 and synthesizers (non-programmable at that time), Marty Garza on Bass and Guitars, Jerry Canavati on Drums, John Forney, lead vocals, and Larry Sands, then John Disabatino on guitar. Mike Muniz later appeared to play bass. This in the day of non-programmable synths covering songs by Boston, Pink Floyd, Deep Purple, as well as jazz inspired fusion artists. It was called progressive rock then, which is ironically called "Classic" rock now. While Stardust and Michael Morales' Band had the Village Inn party scene sewn up, we followed the heels of some the artists booked by agent Dean Bell, (i.e American Peddlers, Renegade) booking us at parties and the larger Air Force base venues.
MIRAGE - (Contributed by Henry Botello) HB writes: "Another Band you have listed is MIRAGE. Original Members were...Eric Pinson-L-guitar / Gene Galatin-L-Singer / Henry Botello-Drummer (that's me) / Mike Munoz-Bass / Curtis ???-R-guitar. This band was together from around 1979 to around 1982. We played the Austin Hwy. strip, Crystal City, & Fort Sam's Roadrunner club." (Contributed by Curt Gozaydin) CG writes: "I miss those days... I really do. I was part of the San Antonio-Tx-based band "Mirage" only it seems briefly - from about 1978 (late in the year) until I went off to college (about mid 1980). I distinctly recall they changed the name of the band when I left them (just about 1980-81, when I continued to visit occasionally rom my UT/Austin stomping grounds) to "Myth" something about "Classical Rock" written on the T-shirts as I recall...! I really did value my friendships and musical jammings with (whom I considered) the band-leader, Eric Pinson, lead-guitarist and lyricist/composer and sound-engineer-extroardinaire. Of course, the wonderfully insane/energetic/sketch-n-cartoon artist (& lead singer, sometimes) Gene Gallatin was a good friend, too. I miss the times with Henry Botello and his (I can't remember?) brother, it was. Your Web-site text would be more Complete / Correct written as follows: << MIRAGE - (Contributed by Henry Botello) HB writes: "Another Band you have listed is MIRAGE. MIRAGE - Original Members were...Eric Pinson-L-guitar / Gene Galatin-L-Singer / Henry Botello-Drummer (that's me) / Mike Munoz-Bass / Curtis Gozaydin-R-guitar. This band was together from around 1979 to around 1982. We played the Austin Hwy. strip, Crystal City, & Fort Sam's Roadrunner club." >> Without getting too much into the details, let's just say I am EE (electronics engineer) these days who values his precious time he gets to play guitar (an acoustic Washburn, sold my 1977 Les Paul Custom about 2 years ago, sad!) and mess with musical instruments way too little these days. And all the way up here in Southern New England (Rhode Island) to be exact. (hot as blazes up here, these days too!)"
MORONICS - ( Contributed by Rick Linn ) Buddy Dyches - voc, harp, flute / Ken Isenberg - lead guitar, voc / Daymond Speed - bass, voc / Rick Linn - keys, guitar, voc / Mark Hopkins - drums Late 80's to '96. RL writes: "This lineup was the last edition of the Moronics, a frat party/bar band in the mold of the Mo-Dels, led by two practicing attorneys (Buddy and Ken). If the Mo-Dels were booked (and they ALWAYS were!), the Moronics would often get the gig. 60's and 70's rock 'n roll was the staple of this band. Claims to fame were appearances on local TV thanks to the Fiesta River Parade. Daymond and Rick, old buddies from their days at McCollum High were that last members to join the band full time. Buddy, Ken and Rick were all adept lead players, giving the band a variety of sounds and also used a lot of three part vocal harmonies. Toward the end of the Moronics' run, Pauly Gibson joined the band on guitar and vocals. The Moronics went their separate ways in '96 as Ken and Mark pursued original music (The Wellsouls), Pauly moved to the West Coast (but I believe he is back now) and Daymond joined Between The Lines (which enjoyed some success in the late 90's but recently disbanded). Buddy is now an attorney for the State of Texas and no longer in the music scene. Rick now devotes his musical gifts through local Christian music ministries." (Contributed by Ken Isenberg) KI writes: "Great site. I wanted to add a bit more to the Moronics history. The original lineup of the Moronics were formed out of St. Mary's University in or around 1983. Original members were Ken Isenberg and Buddy Dyches (mentioned in Rick Linn's piece), Chuck Sweeney (guitar, keys), Bernie Medola (bass) and Mark Reznicek (drums). We got our start playing frat parties and the old Fatso's and then migrated to St. Mary's Street when that blew up for awhile. We were ably supported by our "Sound Clown", Clint Thwing. At the end of a a gig at the University, the bar had been closed so Clint finished off all the beers left behind on the tables by the patrons. He flipped his Mustang leaving the school. I still remember it laying spinning in the street with "Bad To The Bone" blaring from the speakers (nobody was hurt). Bernie left the band and was replaced by Greg Palacios. Mark Reznicek went home for the summer and was replaced by Charlie De La Rosa. Mark was a rough, punk-style drummer with a bad drum kit (one cymbal was literally split down the middle and sounded like a metal trash can lid). Charlie was a jazz drummer in the St. Mary's band with a beautiful kit and impeccable time. Guess what happened when Mark came back for the following semester. Mark got the last laugh on us, however. He left college and went back to Dallas. The next time we heard from him, he was the drummer in The Toadies, with a gold album, MTV appearances, and a world tour supporting bands like Bush, etc. Way to go, Mark! Mark Hopkins took over the drum throne after Charlie graduated. That lineup (Ken, Buddy, Chuck, Mark and Greg) continued until the early Nineties. Chuck retired and Greg went off to play Tejano when that boom came. The led to the lineup that Rick writes about. I also have to say that Rick was and is one of the most talented musicians I have ever heard."
MYTH - (Contributed by Henry Botello) HB writes: "From 2 bands (RAZZ & MIRAGE) another band was formed, MYTH. Original Members were: Eric Pinson-L-Guitar & L-singer (from MIRAGE) Henry Botello-Drummer (from MIRAGE) / Marc Botello-Bass (from RAZZ) / Ruben Castaneda-R-Guitar/Keys (from RAZZ).This band was together from 1982 to 1992 & did some great originals. (aired by our missed friend Joe Anthony from kissFM). We also did the Austin Hwy. strip, Crystal City, & Fort Sam's Roadrunner club. in addition to SNEAKERS (both location) as well as various Austin's 6th St.. locations. Won a battle of the bands. Did Fiesta's "La semana" opening for Georgia Satilites.Also opened for Black Oak Arkansas. I could go on & on. Anyway I just wanted to pass on some info. & Thank You for bringing back some GREAT Memories."
NAZARETH - Mike Lowell writes: My band RENEGADE was playing a small club on St.Mary's strip on a Friday night that Nazareth was playing the arena downtown. Around midnight, a couple of cars pull up and out pours the members of the band hungry for some action and entertainment. After finishing our current set they approached us about maybe sitting in and playing a few songs. They were all worked up from the concert and loved the idea of showing up unannounced at a small club and doing a show. Naturally, our band was thrilled to have them play and enjoyed the idea of such a famous band using our gear to do so. They went on stage and proceeded to amaze me at the difference in showman ship between a local band (us) and a national act. The fact that they did this using our puny gear without missing a beat was quite a sight. Afterwards, the guys all sat around shooting the bull with members of our band and customers alike and enjoyed being average guys out on the town away from the trappings of a national tour. A fun night for all.
NIGHTWORK - (Contributed by Ric Swanson) RS writes: "I ended up starting 'Nightwork' with the the ex-guys from 'Winterkat' (without John Grell) in 1984 or so. It was me, Chris Watkins, Tim Saunders and Jamie Vallejo. We quickly added my old friend (and Spectres guitarist) Jeff Doyle to do lead guitar duties. We started out as a cover band and developed quite a following doing regular gigs at 'Rocky's' (on the old Austin Hiway), 'The New West', and other places around town. Earl 'Big E' McCoy was our excellent sound man for many years. I still remember his f*cked up, converted bakery truck that we drove all over the state...hauling everything in. After awhile, we decided to go 'all original' and record an album. We recorded 'Nightwork' in 1985-86, again working with Marius Peron @ UAR, and started doing opening slots in SA for many national touring acts. We created a pretty good stir and sold quite a few records. Some of the more memorable opening shows were with Eddie Money, The Pretenders, UFO, Cheap Trick, Tommy Tutone and Pat Travers. I could actually tell a pretty funny story about Tommy Tutone being smitten with and following our guitar player's sister home and staying for several days, in a constantly inebriated state. Jeff finally had to call Tommy's manager to come get him OUT OF THEIR HOUSE! hahaha. True story. Anyway, after awhile we began producing our own shows at dance halls around Texas, as well as headlining some of the major SA seasonal events. We headlined La Semana several times, Played at the first (and last ) 'Rock and Wrestling' fiasco at the Freeman Coliseum (that's where the picture of me on your website is from), played as support and headliners MANY, MANY times at 'Sneakers' (the original building), many other shows that escape my memory. In 1987 I got a divorce and left the band (and SA) for a year...moving to Houston and wood shedding with my Tascam 'portastudio'. Nightwork continued without me for awhile....with Katherine Dawn on lead vocals. When I returned we tried to regain the momentum, but it never really happened again. Years later (1994) ...we re-united for a brief time and played a few very cool shows. The BEST was opening for Kansas at Sneakers (the new one). Steve Walsh having been my vocal hero growing up, I was more than a little beside myself for THAT show. The 'Nightwork' album is also a collectors item now. As it turns out ...there is a bunch of people around the world that LOVE that 80's 'AOR' rock. Nightwork has apparently secured it's place (albeit small) with these people. I was again blown away to learn of this from a simple 'Google' search on the internet. I found the record being offered in AOR collectors circles for $25-$35!!."
THE NOWNS - (Contributed by CJ Wilson)'80-'81 C.J. Wilson-guitar,voc,writer / Jayne Brady-bass,voc /Scott Allen-Keyboards / David Edde-drums. CJ writes: "Mostly original songs, backed several big names, won Big America Music Contest for best song "Until the Night" written by me (featured on Oklahoma Rocks LP put out by KXXY Radio), won battle of the bands sponsored by KXXY Radio in OKC which gave us the opening slot for Loverboy at the OKC Civic Center...biggest backup: Jethro Tull at Tulsa Assembly Center). The Nowns (doing more originals but not touring much) opened for many groups here in OKC and Tulsa in the early eighties..(Jethro Tull, Black Oak (who didn't!?) and his other group Pandemonium, Head East, Danny Johnson and the Bandits (formerly of the band Axis out of Shreveport and of course Rick Derringer's group), Shandi, Rare Earth, Guess Who (never did figure out who was actually an original member!), Loverboy, Gary Lewis and Playboys, Ultravox, David Alan Coe (!?), and a little later, The Pontiac Brothers, Glass Eye (austin band i think), True Believers (another Austin band), Doctor's Mob (and yet another Austin band), Jason and the Scorchers, Pat Travers, Randy Hansen (got to meet Mitch Mitchell who was playing drums with him at the time)
PAINT THE TOWN - (Contributed by Gary Botello) GB writes: "The last two bands I played with, before moving to Flagstaff, were "Paint The Town" and "Red Rein", which included singers Ambrose Fernandez & Ruben Aguilar, and guitarist Rey Garza. We played mostly weddings & private parties, but did a few club gigs as well."
THE PONTIACS - (Contributed by Ric Swanson) RS writes: "I also played in a cover band on St. Mary's street in 1988-89 called 'The Pontiacs'. The band was me, Mike Orbelo and Tim Saunders...later joined by Katherine Dawn as a second vocalist. That was fun, fun, fun. In many ways it was the most fun I've ever had playing live. We had NO expectations. Simple arrangements of everything from Elvis to Johnny Cash to REM. The band split when Mike went off to Law School. I STILL miss that band!."
THE PREZ - (Contributed by Jody Moore) JM writes: "The original version of the Prez (Steve & Keith Owens, Kris Clemke and myself), who changed names to the Mo-Dels after Kris' and my departure."
PREZENCE - See a full photo and comments page HERE
PROJECT X - (Contributed by Al Arteaga) AA writes: "I grew up playing in garage bands & gigging in some of the Clubs noted in your website. During the early 80s, one of the last bands that I gigged with was called "PROJECT X" (to which only the native San Antonionians could understand the play of names between the band & the 60s late Friday nite show). The local Club memories made @ the L.P. , The Friendly Spot (a.k.a. 'the spot") St Mary B&G, ALEXANDER, & THE B'WAY 5050 has inspired me to whip out my trusty '61 fender P bass & crank up the old metronome. Project X taught me to play music from Albert King, Thelonious Monk, The Who & King Sunny Ade in just one set."
PROTEGE /ANNIE O MOSS - (Contributed by Debbie Fiedler) DF writes: "Protégé went thru numerous members until the last part of the 80's staying together about 6 years or so. Protégé was: Debra Ann Fiedler on Vocals, Mike (Hale) Salinas on Lead/Rhythm Guitar, John Meyers Lead/Rhythm Guitar, Dave Castillo: Bass Guitar and Glenn Wall on Drums. Protégé played numerous venues in and around San Antonio, Cooter Browns, The 2nd Knave, Mico in at Medina Lake, Sonova Beach on 410, Bookers, Sneakers and Many other joints. Our Most exciting gigs were getting to warm up for Tim Saunders NITEWORKS band, during their album release and for Timbuck3 at Cooter Browns. We did quite a few original tunes and had our music played on 99.5 Kiss, a few times. We had the opportunity to work with some great sound man, Eugene Ng, Jeff Lupton and Earl McCoy. Debra Ann Fiedler currently plays thru out SA and is aka Annie O Moss. "
RADSOLES - (Contributed by Marcom) Marcom writes: "....One of my favorites. S.A. band called The Radsoles. Were around sometime in the mid 80's. Mitch Webb, Tom Rehkopf, John Dufalo, some dude they called "Gruber". They weren't a huge sensation, but took some local awards."
RAVEN R - (Contributed by Andy Gamez) AG writes: "Hey Mike! I read all your pages about local bands here in San Antonio and would like to contribute info about my band, Raven R. that played from '76 through '79. The musicians that played are still actively performing here in SA; their backgrounds and playing info are very interesting resumes to read about."
THE REACH - (Contributed by Mike Workman) MW writes: "Sep85-Aug86: The Reach was kind of a spin-off from Blackrose that Scott Byers formed with Mike Workman. Featuring the dazzling electric guitar playing of Monte Montgomery, the wonderful grooves of Austin's Phil Bass. The bass player was Bill. Funny, I can't remember his last name. We had four lead singers in Scott, Monte, Bill, & me. We tried to take up where Blackrose left off, but really concentrated more on rock dance music. We weren't a top 40 band, but we did a lot more commercial stuff than Blackrose did. We had a real good run, then Phil left in June. Mark Kusey replaced him on drums. We really didn't have enough time to get the chemistry working again before the band broke up."
RENEGADE - See a full photo and comments page HERE
REVIVAL BROTHERS BAND - Stevens , Quinn. Others? Mike Lowell writes: I remember these guys as a serious south side R&B group. They played in a no nonsense hard core blues vein with the members showing true blues roots. A non standard song list with an original air of execution. Good band but only appealed to a hard core blues crowd at R&B based clubs.
ROAD APPLE - They were awesome.
ROCKSAN - (Contributed by Geoff Lupton) Adeana, Lead vocals/ Bill Caisse, Vocals lead guitar/ Ernie Kreth, Vocals, bass/ Geoff Lupton, Vocals, Keys, Guitar/ "Ace" Slayer, Vocals, Drums, later members included Cathy Murguia, Mark Yamaguchi, Kenny Bullock, Brent Fields, Keith Kryszak and Kenny Gobar. Geoff has contributed an in-depth history of how it all began. Click HERE to read.
RUBY STARR - Mike Lowell writes: My band RENEGADE had the chance to do the warm up slot for this act at a large club off West Ave in SA around 1983. Ruby Starr was a female wailer who had just made her move as a solo artist after having been a main vocalist for the national act BLACK OAK ARKANSAS. On that bands song "Jim Dandy to the rescue" she sang the part "go Jim Dandy, go Jim Dandy". She was part Janis Joplin, part Olympic champ with the gymnastics she pulled off on stage. Imagine this: Janis singing a line, stepping back, doing a double back flip, singing a line, doing a 4 rotation cartwheel across the stage, singing a line. It was amazing to watch. Her band played a tight brand of southern rock meets R&B. The room was only half filled due to the fact that few people had heard of her. We did our set and had a good night musically, then we sat back and enjoyed her show and antics. Good Luck to you Ruby, keep on chugging. (Contributed by CJ Wilson) CJ writes: I've seen Ruby Starr a couple times. she was pretty tremendous. I heard that she died. (Contributed by Jeff Sime) JS writes: "As I was looking at the bands list, I saw the name Ruby Starr. Another parallel between you and me. My band, The Wild Bunch, opened for her band at The Ranch in Port Byron, Illinois, around 1980. As you said, Imagine this: Janis singing a line, stepping back, doing a double back flip, singing a line, doing a 4 rotation cartwheel across the stage, singing a line. It was amazing to watch. This is exactly what I saw. We played a 45 min. set, then her band took the stage and we enjoyed the show stage right sitting next to the side fills. Man, she was a cute little shit."
SECOND WIND - (Contributed by Dito Garcia) DG writes: "SECOND WIND!.... 1982-1987." Paula Thompson - Voc,guitar / Dito Garcia - guitar, gtr synth,voc / Val Mora - bass,voc / Dan Dreeban - drums. Mike Lowell writes: Here was a great little band. On my nights off I would always try to catch this act. They promoted themselves as a variety band, but that is too deceiving. They kicked ass and packed a punch. The band was made up of Paula Thompson out front on vocals and guitar. She has got to be one of the best female vocalist in the state. Don't let her cute appearance fool you, she packs a wallop. Also in the band was Dito and Val who were previously in the band HEYOKA. Nuff said here. Rounding it out was Dan Dreeban on drums. He is an old vet in the area, known as one of the best. They might wind you down with a Willie Nelson song then slam you in the head with a note for note rendition of Toto's "Africa", then whip into some classic Jefferson Airplane. Great Stuff. Paula still does recording work at Marius Perron's Studio as a vocalist. I would see them over at some club by Churchill HS. (Contributed by Lee Adams) Lee wrote: "The nightclub they played was called The Shadows. I played in that same nightclub."
SECOND WIND - (Contributed by Gary Botello) GB writes: "Later I played with a band called "Second Wind" (not the same one mentioned on your website). We played mostly private functions, not too many clubs. This band included saxophonist Larry Fillipone, who is still playing Jazz around town. Other bands included my good friend guitarist Ferny Mata (now living and still playing around L.A.)."
THE SECRET - (Contributed by Dennis Shows) DS writes: "When i played in a band called The Craze, around the mid 80's, our drummer was actually a lead guitar player, who had another band in Universal City as well. They were called SECRETS. His name was Carl Morgan. Rico Sardelli played drums, Brad Bird played guitar. I can't remember who the bass player was. They recorded an album in our guitar/keyboard players home studio 'Walk on water studios', in New Braunfels."
SHE & I - (Contributed by Gloria Jauregui) GJ writes: "I played with my brother-in-law Jim VonSchounmacher in these days under the name She & I. My sister Carmel went on to be the She & I most people remember. They played in San Marcos at Peppers by the Falls which is now a Joe's Crabshack. They also played at Aquarina Springs. She & I had a band when they played the Sheraton Hotels on Austin Hwy, McAllen, TX and Biloxi, Mississippi. They consisted of Mark Finney (drums), Thad Bonduris (guitar/vocals), Pat Carey (bass/vocals) now the leader of the band called Planet Soul (R & B) in San Antonio, Don Forrest (guitar/vocals) current owner of the Huisache Grill which has the best food in New Braunfels and former (keyboards) Rick Cavender Band. She & I also did a tour for the Army, the Airforce Training Command in Texas, Oklahoma and Mississippi. They also played the Steak and Ale restaurants in San Antonio and Dallas. Carmel Jauregui went on to play (guitar/vocals) with a guy named Jimmy Vinton Hartwell (guitar/vocals) formerly with a band called the Blind Salamanders that played at Aquarina Springs in San Marcos in the 70's. She also played with an all girl group called the Indigo Girls with Melody Ackerman (guitar/vocals) and Catherine Reed (keyboards/vocals)."
SKETCHES - (Contributed by Lee Adams) Kenny Burson-lead voc,guitar / Mike Lundquest-lead guitar / Mark Yamaguiche-bass,voc/ Mike ?-keyboard,sax,flute,guitar,voc / Lee Roy Adams - drums,voc. 82'-85' Lee writes: "I entered this band around 1983. A very talented bunch of guys. We had lots of fun playing in nightclubs all over S.A.. Classic, southern, and light rock was the repertoire. Kenny Burson had a very strong vocal sound. The band had a good solid sound and good strong vocals."
SA SLAYER - (Contributed by Joni Van Stavern) JS writes: "My brother was one of the founding members of SA Slayer. The band members were as follows: Singer: Steve Cooper / Bass: Don Van Stavern (my Bro) / Drums: David McClain (my Blood Bro) / Lead guitar: Art Villiareal - (later replaced by:) Ronnie Jarzombek (Brother of Bobbie Jarzombek) / Rhythm Guitar : Bob Catlin. They released 2 album's: ' Prepare to Die' and 'Go for the Throat'. They disbanded shortly after the Slayer from LA came out. What people don't know is that there was a battle over the name because both of them were in the middle of a record deal at the time." JS adds: "I just wanted you to know they just released "Prepare to Die" on CD.
SMITH BROTHERS - Jay Urbano, Cecil Yancey, Rene Lopez, Robbie G, Joe Estes (also Greg Hall). Mike Lowell writes: The Smith Brothers are pretty much a SA blues institution. This band name has been around the scene about 15 years or so (I'm guessing). The core members and even the same lineup in some cases have been together much longer than that. This is in many ways the same band in the MOTHER GOOSE, RUBY FALLS, etc... listings.
SMITH AND WESSON - (Contributed by Steve Wisnoski) SW writes: "At one point, Glenn Smith had approached the band (Southern Touch) with an idea he had for sometime, a band featuring a Jerry Lee Lewis clone from the D/FW area named Bobby Wesson. Bobby played an 8 ft. Kawai baby grand, and the piano had to have the legs taken off to move it, and tuned for every gig. We played with the band "Smith and Wesson" for maybe a year, Bobby was ill from kidney problems, and was very volatile. Glenn had a bunch of pre recorded tunes done by session players in Nashville, and it was an original project. Glenn shopped the group to a major label but never scored. We played better venues in the south."
SNAPSHOT - (Contributed by Mike Workman) MW writes: "Aug80-Feb82: Snapshot had a real loyal following, thanks to Paula Thompson. The band was together before I joined with Paula, Dan Dreeben on drums, Bear Middleton on guitar, Robert Miller on bass. I came out of Messenger right into Snapshot as the 5th member. I think they had David Hill before me, but I don't know if he was a 5th member or not. I was with Snapshot until it broke up 1 1/2 years later. In that time, Paula, Dan & I were the only consistent members. On guitar, the late Brett Lowey took over for Bear, and then later Mark Stover took over for Brett. Eventually, Jim Orr took over bass from Robert. Snapshot dissolved when Paula and Dan joined a road band out of Houston." (Contributed by Scoop) S writes: But in reading about one of my favorite bands, Snapshot, I noticed that the entire narrative pertains to the later version of the band. In the interest of accuracy and completeness: Original members included David Hill (Joker Moon) on guitar and Sam Davis on bass along with Paula Thompson. Around 1978, they brought on as drummer Patrick Wetmore (now known as Patrick Joseph). He previously played with The Krayolas. Snapshot was the house band for a couple years at The Shadows, located at the end of the strip center at Blanco and West Avenue. They played there every night and typically to a capacity crowd on the weekends. I drank a lot of money there listening to Snapshot...." (Contributed by David Sumners) DS writes: "Snapshot 1978. I think probably the best cover band in San Antonio at the time. Paula Thompson was and still is to this day an incredible singer. We had the house band gig at the Shadows for a very long time. David Hill on guitar was Paulas counter part. What a great duo they made. They sang everything from Billy Joel to Buddy Holly and everything in between. Dan Dreeben was on drums, Billy Bear Middleton on lead guitar and myself on bass."
SOUTHERN TOUCH - (Contributed by Steve Wisnoski) SW writes: "Glenn Smith went on to become a major American promoter. After the American peddlers, Glenn was honing his booking chops working for Dean Bell. He had a few different bands @ this time, and in 84', formed a band called "Southern Touch". Someone had referred me to Glenn, and he stopped by my Monte Vista home sometime that spring to audition me. Southern touch, fulfilled lucrative government contracts (as the peddlers did), and road houses in the 4 state area (TX., LA., OK, NM.) I worked with Glenn for 3-4 yrs. in Southern touch. The band was Glenn, myself, Tom Dunton ;bass, and Mike Jones, Mike Hawkins :drums. Sometimes when we had to leave early to reach a venue, I'd make 25 breakfast tacos for us. When we would head east on I-10, somewhere around exit 666 there was a restaurant called "Franks place", the bassist had a bad experience there once. So, every time we passed on 10, Tom in the front would roll down the back window while I mooned the joint from the rear passenger seat. Glenn would orchestrate this shenanigan as his monicker "Coronal Cloyd" and lean on the horn of the red and white Suburban. In the gel box lived "Ralph and Ronnie", anyone who had worked with the Peddlers knows who Ralph and Ronnie were."
STARDUST MKII - Beth Hooker - voc / Jimmy Fuller - guitar,voc / Steve Zipper - bass,voc / Drummers included: Rob Young, Brian Goldberg, Kevin Conway / John Brandesky - keys. Mike Lowell writes: This reformed lineup was a totally different outfit in sound, style, and substance. In fact, they kicked ass. (no offense to the first lineup) This lineup became the ultimate crowd draw in the early to mid 80's. No band locally could out draw them at clubs. This band did not rely on tapes or studio tricks to pull of its massive sound. The players had the skill to play popular songs note for note with a convincing authenticity. The song list consisted of commercial tunes by the likes of Journey, Cars and others of the MTV generation. No original songs that I am aware of however. Sometime around 86' or so the band called it quits with members going their own ways. Beth and Steve moved out to L.A. to give their careers a new start. (Contributed by Rob Meurer) Rob writes: "They (Beth and Steve) moved out here long ago. They haven't been together for some years now. I've lost touch with him (Steve) completely. Beth moved to Nashville a few years ago and married Gary Burr, one of the biggest songwriters in Nashville. I haven't talked to her in a while". (Contributed by Laurent Perron) Laurent writes: "As far as Beth goes, she did marry Gary Burr but is now divorced from Gary and has been for about a year. Before the divorce she would call to tell us Gary was performing with Ringo on say Regis and Kathy Lee or some other show." (Contributed by Steve Zipper) SZ writes: "Rob Young from Toby Beau was the original drummer who was replaced by Brian Goldberg. Brian was replaced by Kevin Conway. I only mention this because Robby was a kick ass drummer and a big part of that scene for some of us. Keep up the good work..." (Contributed by Kevin Conway) Kevin writes: "Speaking of Stardust, John Brandesky was the incredibly talented keyboard player."
STARSTRUK - (Contributed by Bubba Henze) BH writes: "Eli (???) (vocals), Allen White (drums), David (???) (guitar), Jeff Smiith (guitar). Hard rock cover band that could play Legs Diamond tunes better than them. They played The Knave and Players Retreat often. Eli had a real knack for getting the ladies attention. I worked roadie for them setting band gear and running lights. We had the most bad ass pyro pots in town (blew the ceiling tiles up one night at The Knave!).I also remembered the 2nd guitar player's name in Starstruk, David Meyers. I checked my old photo albums and I've got a few shots of them performing at the Players Retreat. We had a band house with a practice room in the garage several blocks away. Used hundreds of egg cartons and packing blankets to insulate the sound. Sounded like a muffled pissed-off dinosaur from outside. "
STEAM HEAT - (Contributed by John Fonte) JF writes: "lp was Austin Funk (funk/groove)
STEVE JAMES AND THE VOLCALIONS - (Contributed by David Sumners) DS writes: "Steve James ( Cecchetti ) and the Vocalions 1987-88. What a fantastic band. Steve is probably the best purveyor of the Robert Johnson blues in the country. When you listen to him and close your eyes, your back in the1930s Mississippi Delta. Most of the repertoire featured blues from the 1920s to the 1950s, with Steves fantastic finger picking rural Delta sound and blazing hot Chicago slide guitar. The unreleased live at Gruene Hall tapes from 1987 are a true testament to a real blues man. We were a trio featuring Steve, Mike Robertson on drums and myself on bass. The high light of this band was performing as Bo Diddlys back up band. The Vocalions were a reincarnation of Steves previous band The Perpetrators which also featured some of San Antonios elite blues players."
SUGARJAMMER - (Contributed by Gary Botello) GB writes: "Sugarjammer later played as the house band at "The Hypothesis" (a gay bar on Broadway), and also at the "Bwana Dik" on Sunday nights. Many great musicians passed through this band including Tony Pena, Danny Martinez (bass), Mike Genero, Chris Alaniz, "Peabody" (drums), Ralph Cortez (sang with the Platters & First Light), Ambrose Fernandez (sang with Apocalypse),Tom Simulio, "Yolanda", & Jay Jay Morales (all vocalists), and Richard Chavez (keyboards). Yolanda could sing soul, blues, and pop with the best of them! We were the house band at a little Southside dive called "Grand Central Station" on South Flores Street. Lots of good & crazy times were had there!" (Contributed by Tony Pena) JP writes: "My name is Tony Pena (bass) and really enjoyed playing with Yolanda, Chris, Gary and Richard at the Grand Central Station. The band was definitely a kick ass band and Yolanda could sing her ass off. Best natural singer Ive ever heard. Later on I played with Ralph Cortez, Henry Lee Parrilla, Gilbert Velasquez and Richard Peabody Hernandez. Played at the Heaven Discotheque and did a couple of USO tours on the east coast; Thule, Greenland; the Azores; Germany; and Italy. This band was very versatile and did Steely Dan, Robin Trower, Eagles, Santana, Sly & the family stone and others. Had a blast, thank you guys. I believe the Heaven club you mention is the one that was on Fresno, down the street from Edison High School. Played there with Sugarjammer (Henry Lee on keyboards, Ralph Cortez on vocals, Gilbert Velazquez guitar, Peabody drums and myself on bass). After this stint we went on tour for the USO. Had some wonderful times there during the disco era. As a matter of fact we started playing here after doing some time at the Hypothesis, where we got a job after trying out for various clubs and hotels around town. It was during the disco era and every club manager wanted a sound system instead of a band and it was tough getting hired anywhere." (Contriubted by Richard 'Peabody' Hernandez) RH writes: "here was a group playing at the "Hypothesis" called SugarJammer, (Ralph Cortez / vocals & percussion, Ambrose Fernandez / vocals, Gary Botello / guitar, Tony Pena / bass, & someone on drums I don't remember). It was a cool place to play except for watching beautiful chicks kissing on each other, but we could play what we wanted, & they truly appreciated it. I think it had been a strip club, because it had a backstage w/dressing rooms & it's own entrance. But this was in the heat of disco, & most clubs were starting to change their attitudes about booking bands for extended gigs. The group changed direction somewhat, some cats left. Gary was replaced by George Gonzales/guitar & most of the gigs turned out to be Randolph, Ft. Sam, Lackland, Kelly NCO clubs. Which would later turn out to be a blessing in disguise. We were playing at the "Bwana Dik" when we Gilbert Velasquez / guitar joinged the group. (I loved those waitresses!) That summer a cat by name of Abel Cortinas opened a club called "Heaven Discotheque" on Blanco Rd. It was probably the only club done in blue instead of red & he was packing them in. He offered us his Tuesday's since it was his slowest night, so we said OK but we won't go on until 10pm & we'll only do two 1 hour & a half sets. Tuesday's became Tues & Wed., which became Tues, Wed, Thurs & when he realized he was making more money during the week than on his weekends, he gave us Fri & Sat. So to my knowledge, we were one of the few groups working 5 days a week, 10 till 2. He built a stage, added lights & his disco booth became our sound booth. Life was good!" (Contributed by Tony Pena) TP writes: "I also played with the Platters for a while with Henry, Gene, Harold and Monroe. Got to travel overseas to England, Italy, Germany and even South Africa. Just another note on the people: Not sure what happened to Edna. Ralph Cortez studied and became a teacher and counselor at local high schools and is still singing. Peabody became a photographer in Houston and I believe still playing. Henry Lee Parrilla lived in Atlanta and England for a while and returned to SA recently. He and Ralph are currently playing at the Zen on Houston st. Gilbert Velasquez became a prominent record producer working with the likes of Mazz, Ram Herrera, Jay Perez, Shelly Lares, etc. You can find his website at ."
EDD SULLIVAN - (Contributed by Andrew Mullins) AM writes: "Edd was a really cool guy, singer/songwriter, i ran into about early 80 or so, down in sa from up north. i think he might've been a student of jackie king, though i'm not sure. He was my neighbor, and we'd hang out and visit. one time he opened for bb king at the majestic. he was ecstatic and bouncing all around afterwards...i read the show review in the paper and they panned him, which was a drag, since i'm sure he was at least professional and engaging. edd didn't lose tons of sleep over it, since he said bb'd personally commended him. edd was way ahead of me in most respects, but he'd listen to stuff i was trying to play and make a few comments."
SYRUS - (Contributed by T!-bone) Tbone writes: "You forgot to include SYRUS! as in Raymond Balderama! (Fates Warning!) Ray Alder!!!!!! come on, let me know when you gots it bro! t!"
TAYLOR BROTHERS BAND - Mike Lowell writes: Here is a band for when you feel like steppin out to the dance halls for a whoop and a holler. (Contributed by Bobby Stoner) BS writes: "I grew up in Woodsboro, about five miles from Refugio. We didn't have a lot to do so music was our life. The first dances I went to were played by Mike Taylor and MT Junction, now known as the Taylor brothers."
TEXAS BOOGIE BAND - (Contributed by Rose Ann Green) RG writes: "Also, you should have Alan Haynes' band listed - Texas Boogie Band - where it all began here in Houston! Alan, Linda, Adrian and Brian - I think that was the drummer's name, I'll have to think about that one - all Boogie Band members."
TEXAS HOMEGROWN - (Contributed by Mystery Man) MM writes: "Texas Homegrown featured bassist David Martin, lead Jimmy Spacek, a drummer named Mike and singer named Lawrence Netwig(?) or something like that."
THE TOYS - (Contributed by Misty Valley) MV writes: "The Toys came onto the San Antonio scene in 1983. Members consisted of Randy Millican (Guitars & Vocals), Shaun F. Hedgepeth (Drums & Lead Vocals), Norman Ramirez (Bass & Vocals), and Darryl Inman (Keyboards & Vocals). These guys were from the Southside (Valley-Hi) and could really rock the house. They played at Cooter Browns, Great Jubilations, Mr. Gs, Image Teen Club, The New West, and they were the first and only rock band ever play at NIOSA. They were the house band at the nightclub Fizz on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights drawing record crowds. They played some cover tunes to basically get in door of most of the clubs (top 40 stuff), but they had some really great original tunes that were very popular. Shaun F. Hedgepeth, a former student of Jeff Ryder, won Best Drummer of San Antonio in the 1985 Battle of the Bands that was held at the Sunken Gardens amphitheater. He is a multi-award winning drummer that has recorded and toured with numerous bands, here are a few to list: The Toys, Southern Comfort, Entre Nous, The Danny Cowan Group, The Wheels, The Byron West Band, Melodic Groove, Broken Home, Mr. Big, SSWC Jazz Band, and more Shaun has been on numerous records, on television and radio for his drumming. Shaun is currently playing with the Wheels from Boerne and gives drum lessons aside from being a Professor at UTSA and Palo Alto College. Randy Millican won best guitar player at the 1985 Battle of the Band at the Sunken Gardens amphitheater. He still plays and is an electrical engineer in Austin. Darryl Inman still plays the keyboard on his spare time, but is a pilot for Atlas Airlines in Oklahoma City. Norman Ramirez lives in Los Angeles, California where he manages several bands and owns a security company. I hope this bring back some memories out there for some of you." (Contributed by Darryl Inman) DI writes: "Just stumbled across your website .... very cool! thought i'd send you an update. I was the keyboardist for the Toys. You have me listed as a pilot for Atlas Air. I am however, now a pilot (Captain) at Jetblue Airways, New York. Thanks for the cool flashback."
TWO WEEKS NOTICE - (Contributed by Roger Johnson) Roger writes: "I saw where you were needing info on Gary Friedrich. If it is the fellow I am thinking about he was playing guitar for Two Weeks Notice (Phil Arroyo, et al) in the late 80's and might still gig with them occasionally. I saw them one night down on St. Mary's during Fiesta in '88 or '89." (Contributed by Phil Arroyo) PA writes: "That experience (Alice & Wonderland) spawned my most favorite band to date in "Two Weeks Notice". That band consisted of Ricky Hernandez, Gary Freidrich, Tommy Stephens, John David Martinez, David McDavid and myself. However, over the 6-7 years that followed, we went through several bass players (what is it with bass players?) such as Pat Wellberg, Kort Ogden, Roger Santos, Mike Novak, then Pat again, then Roger again. Anyway, that was a very, very special project and we were fortunate to make decent pay and we stayed busy all the time."
U.S. KIDS - (Contributed by CJ Wilson) CJ writes: US Kids....i had always heard a lot about these guys...saw a pic of of the members had these real tall platform tennis shoes (i was always looking for semi-outrageous stuff to wear so i noticed these things...things i wouldn't be caught dead in now probably!)
THE VIEW - (Contributed by Jody Moore) JM writes: "Everything for me really began in '85 with The View (Clark Stevens, Greg Norris, Val Mora and I). Clark, along with Brent, was also "the shared-feature", of Michael Michael and The Max in their absolute best form... Clark, my best friend since '84 (we went to college together) kept The View going in the background as a corporate money-machine (alla Marius' MM & Max-style corp) with a list of players that was to become the All-Star list of all bands in SA, Austin, Houston and Dallas for about 5 years. Clark went to LA for a year and was studio manager for Babyface's LaFace Records...I did all the artwork for logos, stage banners, CD covers, as well as websites for a number of the folks flowing through the "View" era...Clark's back now, and the View is better than ever."
THE WANDERING SLUGLORDS - (Contributed by CJ Wilson) C.J. Wilson-guitar,voc /Ross(Roscoe)Shoemaker-vocals and various yelling / Nitro-Bass /Randy Fowlkes-Drums. Late eighties (briefly together...kind of a punk band doing Motorhead, Iggy & the Stooges, the Trashmen and other wild '60's classic groups. This was just for fun but it went over great!
WINTERKAT - (Contributed by Ric Swanson) RS writes: "Around 1982, chomping at the bit to get back into a band, I met up with a young guitarist named John Grell. John was (is) a monster player, schooled by Galen Niles from a young age. To tell you the truth....I don't remember HOW I met John, but he had a cover band called 'Liquid Sky' (this band, before I joined, appeared on the 99.5 KISS Homegrown LP with their heavy metal singer Steve Cooper). We played a few shows as Liquid Sky, but quickly embarked on our carefully planned trip to 'do' an all original band. We started 'Winterkat'. The lineup was me as stand up singer, John Grell on guitar, Chris Watkins on bass, Tim Saunders on drums, Jamie Vallejo on keys. We recorded an album with Marius Perron at UAR Studios. This album received a LOT of local airplay. I'll never forget the first time I heard myself on the radio. It was surreal. The alarm clock radio went off one morning, I rolled over, bleary eyed just in time to hear the KISS dj announce this 'hot new SA band' and ...bam..they played a 'Winterkat' song, right at drive time. I was blown away. The album remained in 'A' rotation (something not easily accomplished by a local band before then) for quite a while. We played numerous shows and were courted by several labels. But....we were young and stupid and eventually the band imploded from Ego. John and I tried to regroup with other musicians, but I got bored with stand up singing and the grueling rehearsal schedule that John insisted upon. I left. John eventually put together a working version of 'Winterkat' that included most of the old 'Heyoka'. They put out a second LP (some of the songs I co-wrote) and moved to LA. The band went on to have some success in Europe though I don't think they ever toured there. John did have some success in LA as a hired gun for the Robin McAuley (sp?) band. The last I heard from John...he had a band called 'Dirty Water' with (Riot singer) Rhett Forester on vocals. I heard their demo. It was awesome. They were about to get signed. Rhett was tragically killed and I haven't heard from John since. Those two 'Winterkat' albums are now collectors items among 80's guitar metal head fans. I was floored to recently find them selling for $45 a piece on the internet!!"
WICKED - (Contributed by Sandy Trinidad) ST writes: "Hoping you can help. Trying to locate members from an old rock band called "Wicked" from San Antonio, Tx. back in 1986. They performed at the Villa Fontana in March '86. They used to practice off of Frio City Road in a garage. Guitarist Frank Flores played for this band?"
BETH WILLIAMS - (Contributed by Mike Workman) MW writes: "Jan87-May87: I played on the road with Beth Williams, mostly in New Mexico. Band was with Bobby Hargarther on guitar, Val Mora on bass, Phil Dalmolin on drums. We were pushing an album she recorded in Nashville."
WISHBONE ASH - Mike Lowell writes: I was in a band called HOT CHEXX and we were doing a large outdoor party called the Hoganfest just north of SA. I was standing around waiting for the other band to finish up when our sound man, John Hogan, and this other guy walks over to me. This guy looked normal enough and seemed like a nice enough guy. John says "I want you to meet Ted Turner, he used to be in Wishbone Ash". Indeed! I knew who he was! I said it was nice to meet you and that every band in town has played at least one song from the band at one time or other. I told him that I knew he was the one that wrote all the songs and that I thought he was a great songwriter. This put him at ease. John started laughing and said that I was the first guy all day who did not talk to Ted as though he were dead. I guess it must be hard to be famous and then not be. Ted said that he was working at Alamo Music in SA but was working on getting something going soon. He had plans to move out to California or maybe even go back to England. He said that he and his former guitarist Andy Powell did not talk much anymore and that Andy was still back in England trying to get something going. John and Ted bid farewell and unfortunately, I did not have a chance to talk to him again before he left the party.
DAVID ZYCHECK - (Contributed by Robert Brown) RB writes: "Thought of another local you may have heard of, David Zycheck. Beau Hill, big time producer, was in this band. Zycheck is another phenomenal guitar player who also sings lead vocals. This album is a 'studio' LP that really does not let him rip. I saw him lots of times around the late 70's, early 80's with his side band 'The Groove Kings' - same energy as TS just different music. I have actually traded emails with him in the last 3 weeks or so and have obtained a copy of the Airborne CD and his latest solo project done down in Waco, if you are interested. "